resting, moving, and Freezing

With the sudden surge of enthusiasm for Kamala Harris in the wake of Biden's departure from the presidential race, it was a week in which being on Twitter was actually fun again. I thoroughly enjoyed watching the VP candidates audition for the #2 spot on the ticket and fell hard for Minnesota governor Tim Walz, who I'd literally never heard of before this week.

I’m still not over...

Biker and pedestrian deaths in Philadelphia. And the lack of response from our mayor, Cherelle Parker. I've been riding my bike more because the bus is so unreliable - waiting for the 57 is legitimately a hobby at this point - and I hate feeling so worried for myself and for all of my biking and walking friends and neighbors. Getting from place to place in our beautiful, compact, eminently walkable and rideable city should not be so dangerous.

Images of the week

Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib of Michigan with her sign during Netanayahu's address to Congress. "Guilty of genocide" on one side and "war criminal" on the other.

And while she was inside, hundreds of Jewish Voice for Peace protestors were outside.

Looking forward to

The Blackstar Film Festival is coming to Philly and to screens everywhere around the world next week!, August 1-4. I'm especially excited about this Embodied Shorts program, which features embodied activities like playing dominoes, roller-skating, and horseback riding (and apparently dancing?). Another highlight for Philly dance fans is bound to be Aidan Un's feature documentary You Don't Have to Go Home, but... which "follow[s] three dancers at different stages of their lives, with legendary Philly dance party Second Sundae as backdrop." Will likely be sneaking a coffee into this Saturday morning screening. (If you're not in Philly, it looks like all films have a screen-at-home option as well.)

still from Drake LeBlanc's documentary Footwork

 A thing I was happy to learn about

New Orleans dance artist Ann Glaviano shared her knowledge of South Louisiana line dance The Freeze on her instagram feed.

With a description like this...

traditionally performed to ronnie milsap's "if you don't want me to," it is so embedded in regional culture that people who grew up with it generally assume everyone knows the song, that it must have been a big hit single, that the dance was everywhere, everyone did this at their wedding, etc. and it turns out no one else knows the song, it was a b side, never charted, this is strictly a south louisiana thing.

... how could anyone possibly resist checking it out? 

A thing I am very into

I take an online yoga class once every couple of weeks. They are usually an hour and I usually follow along with the instructor for 30-45 minutes before I wander away to vacuum a dirty spot that has caught my eye while I was laying on the ground or check my email. But now I have discovered my friend Sarah Gardner's yoga classes, which are both beautifully taught and only 30 minutes, so I can persuade myself to stick with it the whole time. 30 minutes! So doable! And yet still vigorous enough that I feel like I really did a thing. Highly recommend.

Applauding from afar

The Fly Honey Show (a "femme-powered, queer punk performance project shaking ass + celebrating body, sex and self") is a veritable legend in Chicago, with hundreds of people turning up to their auditions and shows selling out in minutes. This week I was so happy to read that this year they are taking a break from doing their gigantic and wildly labor-intensive show. No one deserves a rest more than these gorgeous, industrious bees. Instead they'll be offering two varieties of classes, which seems like a great way for people to get some of the Fly Honey experience while the artists recharge. Hooray for resting.


I got to see Annie-B Parson's Girl Group at the Storm King Art Center, responding to the site and the work of sculptor Arlene Schechet. I took no pictures so you will have to trust me that it was simply stunning. I chatted with a Storm King staff member on my way out who said, "I think I'll remember that for the rest of my life." I think that's true for me too. They've added a couple of performances, on September 27 and 28, and if you're anywhere in striking distance, I don't think you'll regret making a little pilgrimage. Tickets will be available sometime in August and I imagine they'll go fast.

Storm King

I was most charmed by a groundskeeper who told me that the tram drivers will stop if they see a caterpillar in the road and move it to safety. It seems like they take care of the plants, wildlife, and art on the site with the same thoroughness, and it was a pretty magical day.

Martin Puryear sculpture Lookout

Keeping an eye on

As a native Texan, I try to keep an eye on what's happening in my home state. It looks like the dancers of Dallas Black Dance Theatre are trying to unionize and the management is pulling some shady shit in response. The dancers put out a strong statement via instagram.

One thing I’m not clicking on

I refuse to engage with Ballerina Farm discourse. (Yes, I will still link it in case trad wife influencers are up your alley.) I was avoiding it and still managed to learn that this woman gave up her spot at Juilliard and was mildly coerced into a relationship with this creepy-sounding rich guy. (And still managed to see multiple places that spelled it as Julliard, which pains me in the very center of my heart.)